About To A Land Unknown

Hi, we're Tim and Justine, originally from South Africa, we now live in Essex, England. Our deep love for travel has motivated us to share our adventures and experiences with you, leading to the creation of To A Land Unknown (TALU). Having visited 13 countries, we've savoured the joy it brings and cherished the distinct perspectives it offers. Now, we're dedicated to sharing these enriching experiences with you.

Hi, I’m Tim, a creative through and through and extremely passionate about my craft. With 10 years experience in the content creation industry, I am constantly striving to improve and count is such a privilege to travel the world and use my skills to put TALU together along with Justine, all for you to enjoy.

Hey, I’m Justine, I work full-time as a Medical Rep in the NHS. I am passionate about travel and experiencing different cultures. I wasn’t able to travel earlier in life, but since moving to the UK it’s given me the opportunity to explore different countries. Although I don’t do the shooting, I contribute to the vision & the overall creative look and feel of TALU.

What’s with the name, you might be asking?

You might be wondering why To A Land Unknown? It’s a great questions and actually its pretty simple… There’s a story in the bible, where God calls Abram to leave his people and land behind and go into a land unknown to him. Where God will bless him and his decendants, and this relates to us moving from South Africa as well as into our travel adventures into countries (lands) unknown to us.